Title III helps John Brown University gear up for the future

DollarsJohn Brown University is now in the third year of its five-year $2 million endowment to help facilitate the development and maintenance of services that will aid students in their college career. The grant is being used to help develop JBU’s online coursework and expand their available off-campus degrees to include a Bachelor of Science in General Studies in addition to the current Bachelor of Science in Business Administration offering. Both programs specifically target off-campus adults looking to efficiently and contently obtain a bachelor degree.

A large majority of the endowment is being spent on technical infrastructure and remote access mini campuses. Rodgers, Fort Smith, and Little Rock will each receive a newly built computer lab, “mini-lab”, in urban areas designed specifically for online only students who may not have computer or internet access at home. Although, some of the technology being adopted will trickle its way out to traditional on campus students as well. The university is rolling out a new Blackboard Mobile based application system as well as an Online Writing Center and a 24 hour 7 day a week online help system. Video based programs developed to handle online teaching is also being used by on campus faculty to supplement their standard teaching courses.

Currently, JBU is sitting on a nest egg of $75 million in private and public endowments and the university is at its strongest, financially, that it has ever been. Even with tough economic times, the development of two online degree courses and a brand new nursing program, the school remains stable and secure. Following its latest board member meeting, student members report, “the university has managed its finances phenomenally.”

The Title III Federal Grant was originally designed to improve the education in historically black colleges and universities in the late 60’s. In its later cycles it geared itself more towards encouraging the quick acquisition and proficiency of the English language for limited English speaking students. The grant now has the flexibility to “establish or strengthen physical plants, financial management, academic resources and endowment building capacity.” Read more about Title III programs at the US Department of Education website, ED.gov.